Hey there,

My Name is Lioul, and I am full stack web developer, specialized in most web technologies both backend and frontend.

About Me,

I am full stack developer with more enthuasm to backend technologies. Skilled in Java, Nodejs, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ. Experianced on architecting micro services and deploying using containerization with automation CI/CD and Kubernetes. I am also a cloud enthusiat and have hands on experiace on Google Cloud Platformand Azure. I have good comminucation skills and also good team player. Currently I am working as full stack developer at Addis Software.


In my journey to until now, I have managed to learn technologies about backend development.

I have worked as a full stack developer, doing like REST-API,microservices and real time web application developement using NodeJs.
I have used containerization and CI/CD to deploy my works to production.
Worked on MongoDb extensively.
Used redis caching for fast user experiance and backend Queue systems.
Have a managed to deploy web appliacation on kubernetes and make them fully cloud native.
Gitlab CI/CD
DevOps Gitlab CICD.
I have worked on Java using Spring framework and the J2EE.
Currently studing and experimenting to become professional go developer.
Currently Intersted about Microservies Architecture.

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